“To be a cultivator of Land has been my favorite amusement.”
To Landon Carter
Mount Vernon, 17 October 1796
The letter with which you have favoured me, dated the 28th ult. came duly to hand.
A few months more will put an end to my political existence and place me in the shades of Mount Vernon under my Vine and Fig Tree; where at all times I should be glad to see you.
It is true (as you have heard) that to be a cultivator of Land has been my favorite amusement; but it is equally true that I have made very little proficiency in acquiring knowledge either in the principles or practice of Husbandry. My employments through life, have been so diversified, my absences from home have been so frequent, and so long at a time, as to have prevented me from bestowing the attention, and from making the experiments which are necessary to establish facts in the Science of Agriculture. And now, though I may amuse myself in that way for the short time I may remain on this Theatre, it is too late in the day for me to commence a scientific course of experiments.
Adobe Firefly
Your thoughts on the mode of cultivating Indian corn, appeared to me, to be founded in reason, and a judicious management of the Soil for different purposes, is as highly interesting to, as it has been neglected by, the People of this Country; to the consequent destruction of much valuable land. How to restore it to its original fruitfulness; and to increase the means by Stercoraries &c.; to preserve it in that or an improving state; what rotation in crops is best adapted to soils, of different qualities, in order to keep our fields in health and vigour, and at the same time to derive immediate profit from them, are the great desiderata of the Husbandman. It is what the People of the interior parts of our country must come to soon, or emigrate to the exterior parts of it for subsistence on more productive Soil.
Nothing has contributed, nor will any thing contribute more to effect these desirable purposes than the establishment of Agricultural Societies in this, as they have been in other countries: that the community may derive advantages from the experiments and discoveries of the more intelligent communicator through such channels. Besides the numerous local Societies which are to be found in all parts of Great Britain and Ireland, a national one is now established under the auspices of the government of those countries; which will, I conceive, be found among the most useful and beneficial institutions in them, if it is prosecuted with as much assiduity as it has commenced, under Presidency of Sir Jno Sinclair.
I shall always feel myself obliged by your communicating any useful discovery in Agriculture; and for the favourable sentiments you have been pleased to express for me, I pray you to accept the thanks of Sir, Your most Obedt and Very Hble Servant *
G:o Washington
* Washington had written on 24 December 1795: “No pursuit is more congenial with my nature and gratifications, than that of agriculture; nor none I so much pant after as again to become a tiller of the Earth. Any books therefore on this subject giving the principles and combining practice with theory, will always be as pleasing as they must prove instructive to me; whose whole life in a manner having been little less than a continued bustle, I must now benefit from the studies and experience of others . . .”
Paragraph formatting has been adjusted to reflect other copies of this letter to enhance readability.
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